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After the first winter in Plymouth there were only four women alive in the tiny colony. One of them was Priscilla Mullins.
When the Leininger Family settled in the Blue Mountains of Pennsylvania, the hardships of pioneer life were cheerfully endured in exchange for the freedom they experienced.
Tells the true story of Corrie Ten Boom and little Dutch watch shop. While she mends watches she is constantly watching out for danger to ensure that her friends in the secret room are safe. Tells the story of God who is the only one who can keep us safe.
When Amy Carmichael was a little girl she had begged God to give her blue eyes. But, blue eyes were not the eyes of India – but Amy’s brown eyes were.
This colorful booklet teaches the character quality of attentiveness from lessons in nature, as well as from lessons in Scripture.
This colorful booklet teaches the character quality of obedience from lessons in nature, as well as from lessons in Scripture.
This colorful booklet teaches the character quality of gratefulness from lessons in nature, as well as from lessons in Scripture.
This colorful booklet teaches the character quality of truthfulness from lessons in nature, as well as from lessons in Scripture.
This colorful booklet teaches the character quality of orderliness from lessons in nature, as well as from lessons in Scripture.
This colorful booklet teaches the character quality of diligence from lessons in nature, as well as from lessons in Scripture.
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